朱(木肃)是明代开国皇帝朱元璋的第五子,也是古代著名植物学、方剂学家和词人。他利用藩王府的政治优势和经济条件,亲自率领一批学有专长的学者先后编纂了《保生余录》、 《袖珍方》、 《普剂方》、 《救荒本草》等科学著作,其中卷帙168卷记载药方61739个的《普剂方》被《四库全书提要》誉为“采摭繁富,编次详析,自古经方更无赅备于是者”的巨著;而记述植物414种的《救荒本草》则是古代救荒植物的拓荒之作,开启了我国野生食用植物研究的先河,并对国内外本草学发展产生了深远的影响。
Zhu (Mu Su) is the fifth son of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, a founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and is also an ancient well-known botany, prescription scientist and poet. He took advantage of the political superiority and economic conditions of the palace government to personally lead a group of academics who have learned expertise to compile scientific works such as “Baosheng Yu Lu”, “Pocket Fang”, “Pu Prescription” and “Savior Materia Medica” 168 volumes recorded prescriptions 61,739 “Pu prescription side” by the “Sikuquanshidao” as “mining rich, detailed analysis, since ancient times by the party more prepared”; and description of 414 species of plants Is the pioneering work of the ancient rescue plants, which opened the precedent for the research on wild edible plants in our country and had a profound impact on the development of the herbal medicine at home and abroad.