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石家庄高新技术产业开发区(简称高新区),是经国务院批准建立的国家级高新区。1994年初大规模招商引资开发建设时,这里只是一片广袤的田野,路、电、水、电话等公用事业的建设是新城区建设的首要任务,但最令建设者们困惑的就是全区的供水问题,因为没有便捷的供水途径,所以高新区的决策者们决定自己兴建供水系统。可打井取水谈何容易,既无资金又无设备,更无人才。面对无米之炊,有多年从事公用事业建设经验的林自强毅然地挑起了组建高新区供水排水公司的重担。1994年春天,林自强凭藉着高新区领导发给他成立石家庄高新区供水排水公司的一纸批文及一枚公章便走马上任了。创业的历程是艰难的,在艰苦的环境中创业更是需要树立坚定信念的。为了尽快地解决开发区的供水问题,为给高新区营造良好的投资环境,林自 Shijiazhuang High-tech Industrial Development Zone (referred to as high-tech zones), is approved by the State Council established a national high-tech zones. When the large-scale investment promotion and construction was started in early 1994, this is only a vast field. The construction of public utilities such as roads, electricity, water and telephone is the top priority for the construction of the new urban area. However, most of the builders’ confusion is the water supply in the whole district Problems, because there is no convenient water supply, so high-tech zone policy makers decided to build their own water supply system. How easy it is to get water from wells, neither money nor equipment, and no talent. The face of no straw, have many years of experience in the construction of public utilities Lin Zijiang resolutely provoked the high-tech zones set up the water supply and drainage companies. In the spring of 1994, Lin Ziqiang took office with the approval of a piece of paper approved by the leaders of Hi-tech Zone and the official seal of a water supply and drainage company that set up a high-tech zone in Shijiazhuang. Entrepreneurship process is difficult, in a difficult environment business is the need to establish a firm belief. In order to solve the problem of water supply in the development zone as soon as possible and to create a good investment environment for the zone, Lin
大二那年,她恋爱了。都是穷学生,恋爱中最奢侈的事情,无非是在学校对面的小餐馆里,点一盘鱼香肉丝,配一碗香菇青菜面,或者米饭。   她是北方人,喜欢吃面;他是南方人,喜欢米饭。每次去吃饭,两个人总要为吃米饭还是面条争执半天。她被妈妈的手擀面宠坏的胃,一天不吃面就觉得索然无味。而他被大米养大的胃,少一顿米饭也觉得没滋没味。他们的爱情谈得并不顺利,总是为一些小事争吵,和好,再争吵,再和好,磕磕绊绊。 
The thermal stress behavior of bonded SiC/6061AL laminates during thermal cycling and the stress relaxation at elevated temperature (205℃) were investigated by
介绍了在镶块锻模上采用活动凸台设计,锻制高(?)深孔类锻件中心孔的模具设计方法. This paper introduces the design method of the die with the movable boss on the for