Isomorphism and Generation of Montgomery-Form Elliptic Curves Suitable for Cryptosystems

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dreamtale07
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Many efficient algorithms of Montgomery-form elliptic curve cryptology have been investigated recently. At present, there are no reported studies of the isomorphic class of the Montgomery-form elliptic curve over a finite field. This paper investigates the isomorphism of Montgomery-form elliptic curves via the isomorphism of Weierstrass-form elliptic curves and gives a table of (nearly) all the forms of Montgomery- form elliptic curves suitable for cryptographic usage. Then, an algorithm for generating a secure elliptic curve with Montgomery-form is presented. The most important advantages of the new algorithm are that it avoids the transformation from an elliptic curve’s Weierstrass-form to its Montgomery-form, and that it de- creases the probability of collision. So, the proposed algorithem is quicker, simpler, and more efficient than the old ones. Many efficient algorithms of Montgomery-form elliptic curve cryptology have been investigated recently. At present, there are no reported studies of the isomorphic class of the Montgomery-form elliptic curve over a finite field. This paper investigates the isomorphism of Montgomery-form elliptic curves via the isomorphism of Weierstrass-form elliptic curves and gives a table of (nearly) all the forms of Montgomery- form elliptic curves suitable for cryptographic usage. Then, an algorithm for generating a secure elliptic curve with Montgomery-form is presented. The most important advantages of the new algorithm are that it avo avoids the transformation from an elliptic curve’s Weierstrass-form to its Montgomery-form, and that it de- creases the probability of collision. So, the proposed algorithem is quicker, simpler, and more efficient than the old ones.
本文应用 WYLL 指标对济宁市疾病监测点1986年~1989年死因资料进行分析,描述了疾病减少劳动寿命的时间、地点和人群间的分布,结果表明:四年问全死因标化 WYLL 率和标化死亡率
为改善作业环境,保护作业人员的身体健康,我厂针对厂内两个不同噪声点源的特点,采用不同方法进行噪声治理,取得了良好效果。现将治理方法和效果报道如下,供参考。1 磷酸车间
蒲巴甲,一个出生在山区里的藏族男孩。16岁那年,他和山区里的其他同伴一样,因贫困而被迫辍学外出打工。贫穷不失志,为了改变自己的命运,他从一个歌舞团售票员起步, Pupajia,
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