建“学比乐”机关 促跨越式发展

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党的十六大和十六届四中全会先后提出建设学习型社会和学习型政党,这是中央从深入贯彻“三个代表” 重要思想,全面落实科学发展观,加强党的执政能力建设和先进性建设的高度提出的一项战略任务。建设学习型机关是建设学习型社会和学习型政党的重要内容,是提高机关党员干部综合素质的有效载体和途径。最近, 省委书记石宗源在省委中心学习组集中学习的中心发言时,强调指出,必须大兴学习之风,在全省大力推动建设学习型社会。为交流经验以相互促进,本刊编发省直机关工委、省委政策研究室、省民族宗教委员会、省人口与计划生育委员会四家单位在开展学习型机关创建活动中一些好的做法和经验,以飨读者。 The 16th CPC National Congress and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee put forward the proposal of building a learning society and a learning political party in a progressive manner. The Central Government has sincerely implemented the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ implemented the scientific concept of development in an all-round way, and strengthened the party’s ability to govern And the advanced nature of building a highly strategic mission. Building a learning organ is an important part of building a learning society and a learning party, and an effective carrier and way to improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. Recently, Shi Zongyuan, secretary of the provincial party committee, made a speech at the central focus group of the study group of the Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee and emphasized that it is necessary to promote the style of study and promote the building of a learning society in the entire province. In order to exchange experiences to promote each other, we compiled and published some good practices and experiences of the four organs of the provincial organs directly under the Central Government, the Policy Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Ethnic and Religious Committees, the provincial population and the Family Planning Commission in carrying out activities to create a learning institution To 飨 readers.
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