
来源 :玉米科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jindere
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通过田间试验,研究在不同施肥方式和不同氮磷肥用量条件下,玉米根系和地上部的生育特征、根际脲酶和磷酸酶特征、氮磷养分吸收量。结果表明,施肥量为800 kg/hm2(种子侧下方6 cm)处理的玉米地上部分生物量和根系生物量最高,成熟期根系和地上部分的吸氮、吸磷量也最高,子粒产量也较高;各处理玉米不同生育期根际土壤脲酶和磷酸酶的活性明显高于非根际;在肥力相对较高的土壤,减施20%~40%氮磷肥至少可以维持玉米当年的产量,施肥方式对玉米的子粒产量影响很小。 Field experiments were conducted to study the fertility characteristics of roots and shoots, the characteristics of urease and phosphatase, and the absorption of nitrogen and phosphorus in maize under different fertilizations and nitrogen and phosphorus levels. The results showed that above-ground biomass and root biomass of maize treated with 800 kg / hm2 fertilizer (6 cm below the seed side) were the highest. Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake were the highest in root and aboveground, The activities of urease and phosphatase in rhizosphere soil of different growth stages of maize were significantly higher than those of non-rhizosphere soil. In the relatively high fertility soils, 20% -40% nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers could at least maintain the current corn yield. The way of grain yield of corn has little effect.
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