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近年来,莱州市积极探索扩大养老保险的社会覆盖面,做好非国有经济的社会保险工作。截至3月底,全市参加养老保险的非国有经济从业人员达到3000多人,占全市参保人员的80%以上,累计收缴基金400多万元。全市7万多名职工不分户口性质,不论企业所有制形式,共同享有了一片社会保障的蓝天。曾几何时,国有、市属集体企业职工老有所养、病有所医的优越性让其他所有制企业职工羡慕不已,“吃皇粮”、“端铁饭碗”成为他们梦寐以求的事情。然而,计划经济下的社会保险体制使他们只能望“险”兴叹。党的十五大后,莱州市个体私营经济蓬勃发展,越来越多的城镇失业人员、下岗职工也走上了发展个体私营经济的道路。妥善解决养老、医疗等基本保险问题,为个体私营企业从业人员创造一个与国有、集体企业职工同样的良好社会保障环境,成为广大个体私营企业从业人员迫切的呼声。 In recent years, Laizhou City has actively explored ways to expand the social coverage of endowment insurance and do a good job in social insurance for non-state-owned economy. By the end of March, more than 3,000 non-state-owned economic personnel participated in endowment insurance in the city, accounting for more than 80% of the city’s insured persons, accumulating more than 4 million yuan of funds. The city’s more than 70,000 employees regardless of the nature of hukou, regardless of the form of ownership of enterprises, enjoy a common blue sky of social security. Once upon a time, the superiority of the workers in the state-owned and municipal collective enterprises and the superiority of the ill-treated people envy other workers in the enterprises under their ownership. They have become the things that they have always dreamed of. However, under the planned economy, the social insurance system made them only hope that they could not be overwhelmed. After the 15th CPC National Congress, the individual and private economy in Laizhou City has boomed. More and more unemployed people and laid-off workers in cities and towns have embarked on the road of developing individual and private economy. We must properly solve the basic insurance issues such as endowment insurance and medical care and create an equally good social security environment for employees of private and private enterprises as well as the employees of state-owned and collective enterprises. This has become an urgent call for employees in private and private sectors.
  目的 分析肾移植患者对痛风相关知识了解的情况,找出健康教育存在的问题,提出提高肾移植患者依从性的合理建议,降低高尿酸血症发生率.方法 采用董静静等编制肾移植依从性问
  目的 观察泰勒宁治疗中重度癌痛患者的不良反应。方法 选取60例中重度癌痛患者,予以口服泰勒宁片,每次1片,6小时一次,连用7天。结果 泰勒宁常见的不良反应有头晕(7例)、
【摘要】高职技能大赛一方面指引着职业教育改革和发展的方向,另一方面检验了职业院校的师资水平和办学实力,以及学生的实践应用和创新应变等能力。福建省高职技能大赛 “英文导游服务”赛项至今已成功举办四届,比赛环节和内容也在不断变化。笔者结合近年来指导参赛选手的实践经历,针对其中难度较大的“抽选项目讲解”这一环节的讲解词创作提几点建议。  【关键词】英语导游服务 高职技能大赛 抽选项目讲解 英语讲解词创作
一个以歌德相许,一个以席勒自喻,但绝无狂妄的 成份,他们确实都给后人留下了不朽的著作。曾有一个 时髦的说法:双子星座。本文叙说的,就是这对现当代文 坛上的双子星座从相识
本文浅析了煤矿通风安全的制约因素及防范措施。 This article analyzes the coal mine ventilation safety constraints and preventive measures.