Green Prevention and Control Technology of Peanut Diseases and Pests in Nanchong City

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  Abstract This paper introduced the main types of peanut pests and diseases in Nanchong City, and proposed green prevention and control technical measures for the reference of local growers.
  Key words Peanut; Main pests and diseases; Green prevention and control; Nanchong City
  Peanut is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to Arachis of Papilionaceae. It is native to South America. There are more than 100 countries in the world that cultivate peanuts, with Asia being the most common, followed by Africa. According to the literature on peanuts, the history of peanut cultivation in China is more than 100 years earlier than in Europe. Peanuts are known as "plant meat". Their oil content is up to 50%. They are of high quality and have a delicate smell. In addition to food, they can also be used in printing and dyeing and papermaking industries. Meanwhile, peanuts are also a traditional Chinese medicine, which is suitable for malnutrition, spleen and stomach disorders, cough, phlegm, etc.[1]. China is the world's largest producer of peanuts. In 2018, China's peanut planting area was 4.62 million hm2, accounting for 18.3% of the world's peanut planting area, with a total output of about 17.332 million t, accounting for 41.3% of the world's total peanut production, and an annual output of 5.20 million t of peanut shells[2-3]. Peanuts can not only meet the domestic market's demand for oil crops, but also provide strong support for the sustainable development of animal husbandry and play an important role in rural economic development[4-6].
  Peanuts have high economic and nutritional value. They have the effects of promoting human growth and development, improving intelligence, reducing cholesterol, delaying human aging, preventing cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity, inhibiting cancer cell growth, and stopping bleeding[1,7-8]. They are a high-quality feed source[2,9]. Moreover, Peanut rhizobia have strong nitrogen-fixing ability, and the fixed nitrogen can not only be used by itself, but also can improve soil fertility. Peanut is a good soil-improving crop[10-11].
  Peanut is one of the main economic crops in Nanchong City. The planting area is second only to rapeseed, and it is the second largest oil crop. In recent years, in the implementation of the agricultural development policy of "stabilizing grain, increasing income and adjusting structure", the area of peanut has steadily increased. In 2019, the planting area of peanut in the city reached 49 600 hm2, with a total output of 115 300 t, which increased by 2.5% and 2.8%, respectively, compared with 2018. With the continuous expansion of peanut planting area, the occurrence of peanut pests and diseases has gradually increased, and the occurrence of continuous cropping has become more serious. In order to do a good job in the green prevention and control of peanut diseases and pests, reduce the damage caused by pests and diseases, and ensure the safety of peanut production, the quality of peanut and the environmental safety, we carried out an experimental demonstration of green prevention and control of main peanut diseases and pests in Nanchong area, and achieved good results. This paper introduced the green prevention and control technology of peanut diseases and pests, hoping to provide a reference for the green prevention and control of main peanut diseases and pests in Nanchong area.   Main Peanut Diseases and Pests
  According to the surveys, the main diseases of peanuts in Nanchong include fusarium wilt (including stem rot, black mold, southern blight, and root rot), brown spot, leaf spot, sheath blight, rust, anthracnose, rot spot, bacterial wilt, etc., and the main pests include black cutworms, flies, grubs, wireworms, aphids, red spiders, etc.
  Green Prevention and Control Technology
  Agricultural prevention and control
  Promote disease-resistant varieties
  The peanut varieties recommended by Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Nanchong City and Nanchong Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2020, such as Tianfu 24, Tianfu 27, Tianfu 22 and Tianfu 34, were selected. In areas where bacterial wilt occurs, Tianfu 11, a variety with high resistance to bacterial wilt, can be used.
  Standardize crop rotation
  Wheat/flower/potato can be promoted by "Shuang 83.3 cm", "Shuang 100 cm" or "Shuang 166.7 cm", "Shuang 200 cm" to keep rows. In autumn, wheat is planted in the first 83.3 cm, 100 cm or 166.7 cm, 200 cm, and sweet potato is planted after the wheat is harvested. The other 83.3cm, 100 cm or 166.7 cm, 200 cm is reserved (or planted with vegetables, peas, beans, etc.), and planted with peanut in March of the following year. In autumn of the second year, plants are rotationally planted by rows. The effect of rice field-upland field rotation is better.
  Strengthen fine cultivation
  When the seeds are harvested, they should be dried in time to prevent them from becoming moldy. Before sowing, seeds should be selected and dried, and the ground should be prepared. Sowing should be performed timely. Ridge cultivation is promoted. The ground is covered, and reasonable dense planting is adopted. Growers also should do a good job in balancing fertilization, stabilizing nitrogen and increasing phosphorus and potassium, increasing organic fertilizer and molybdenum fertilizer, managing irrigation and drainage, strengthening field management, etc.
  Physical prevention and control
  Light trapping
  Insect-killing lights can be installed in areas with better infrastructure. Generally, in Plain area, 1 light is installed every 2.7-3.3 hm2, and every 1.33-2.00 hm2 in hilly and mountainous areas. The bottom of the insect-killing lights is 1.5 m away from the ground, which can trap and kill black cutworms and beetle adults. The light trapping time starts from early May to the end of September. During the lighting period, in order to minimize the lethality of the insect-killing lamps against natural enemies, it is necessary to control the lighting time every day, that is, turn on the lights from 19:00 in the evening to 1:00 the next day. Growers should not install too many lights or the light density should not be large, otherwise the lights will kill natural enemies and destroy the ecological balance.   Paulownia leaf trapping
  The old paulownia leaves that have just been picked from paulownia trees are wet with water, and placed evenly on the ground of the seedling field in the evening at a rate of 900 to 1 200 leaves/hm2. The larvae caught on the leaves are checked every morning and killed for 3 to 5 d continuously, and a good effect could be achieved. Growers can also put the paulownia leaves in 200 times solution of 90% crystal trichlorfon, and taken them out after 10 h.
  Sugar-acetic acid-ethanol trapping
  During the peak adult period, growers can set up sugar-acetic acid-ethanol pots in the field to trap and kill black cutworms and beetle adults. The sugar-acetic acid-ethanol solution is prepared by preparing a solution with a brown sugar: vinegar: ethanol: water ratio of 6∶3∶1∶10 and then adding a proper amount of pesticides such as trichlorfon.
  Poison bait trapping
  40% dimethoate EC (375 ml) is diluted with appropriate amount of water, and then mixed with baits such as fried wheat bran, bean cake, peanut cake and crushed corn at a rate of 37.5 kg/hm2. The mixture is evenly spread into the field in the evening, and a good killing effect is achieved. Growers can also mix 50% phoxim 1 500 g/hm2 with 37.5 kg of water, spray the liquid on 100 kg of chopped fresh grass, and stack the grass in small piles in the field in the evening, with a dosage of 225 kg/hm2. Then, the poisoned pests are picked up in the early morning of the next day to prevent their revival.
  Biological control
  Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Bt pathogen and natural enemies (scoliid) can be used to control diseases and pests in a targeted manner.
  Chemical control
  Wilt is commonly known as "Wendou" and "Dizheng", including four kinds of diseases: stem rot, black mold, southern blight, and root rot. The first three kinds mainly occur on the upper and lower cotyledon nodes of the plant base, and root rot mainly occurs on the main root. The symptom of stem rot is dark brown in the affected area, and small black spots (fruit bodies) grow when the humidity is high. The symptoms of black mold are the rupture of the surface skin of the affected area and the growth of black mold (conidiophores and conidia). For southern blight, a layer of white silky hyphae grow at the diseased place. The surface skin of the main root of the plant with root rot is damaged and rotted, and no lateral roots can be seen. And after being pulled out, it looks like a rat tail. The above 4 kinds of diseases mainly occur from the emergence of the seedling to the flowering stage. The diseased plants first turn yellow and then wither and die. These diseases also occur in a small amount in the middle and late stages, causing the whole plant to die or a few branches to die. Wilt is mainly caused by the infected seeds and diseased stubbles in the soil. Using seeds that have been covered with excessive moisture during harvest or the seeds that have been poorly stored and kept after moisture absorption for planting and continuous cropping (recropping) of peanut both would cause the disease.   Control methods: For every 100 g of seeds, 38% difenoconazole·fludioxonil·thiamethaoxam suspension seed coating agent 355-426 g is diluted with appropriate amount of water, and stirred to form a slurry, which is poured into the seeds, followed by stirring uniformly and drying the seeds. By such, aphids could also be prevented. If the seeds have been covered with excessive moisture, 100 kg of seeds can be mixed with 100-300 ml of 41% pyraclostrobin·thiophanate-methyl suspension seed coating agent in 1 500-2 500 ml of water, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder is mixed with seeds according to 0.3%-1.0% of the amount of seeds before sowing, or the leaves are sprayed with 1 000 times solution of 50% carbendazim wettable powder during the diseased period, or 50% chlorobromoisocyanuric acid soluble powder 15 g and 36% hymexazol·thiram WP 10 g are mixed with water 15 kg for root irrigation with an application rate of the solution at 750-1 125 kg/hm2. Spraying the peanut seedlings once after full stand and once before and after flowering, or spraying 1-2 times at the beginning of the disease, can also treat peanut root rot, damping off and leaf spot. In addition, 500 times liquid of 25% phenamacril suspension can be selected and sprayed to the roots. In the early stage of the southern blight, 50% benomyl wettable powder, or 50% iprodione wettable powder, or 50% procymidone wettable powder, or 1 000-1 500 times liquid of 20% tolclofos-methyl EC can be sprayed, with an amount of 100-200 ml of prepared liquid per plant, or 40 g/L thifluzamide suspension (which can also treat rust) 975-1 200 ml/hm2 can be manually sprayed in a mixture with 450-675 kg of water, or automatically sprayed in a mixture with 112.5 kg of water.
  Brown spot
  In the early stage of the disease, 1 000 times liquid of 70% thiophanate-methyl WP, or 1 500 times liquid of 50% benomyl WP, or 900-1 000 times liquid of 50% carbendazim WP, or 2 000 times solution of 50% prochloraz-manganese chloride complex WP is sprayed to control the disease.
  Leaf spot
  Some brown or dark brown spots will be produced on the leaves when the disease happens. Leaf spot disease is common in Nanchong City, and the damage is generally not serious. However, under continuous cropping or heavy rain (especially in the middle and late stages), the disease will happen seriously, causing premature leaf fall. When the disease occurs in the seedling stage or under rainy weather and low temperature in the middle and late stages, 50% carbendazim wettable powder, or 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder is sprayed manually at a rate of 750-1 125 g/hm2 in 675 kg, or automatically sprayed in 112.5 kg of water.   Sheath blight
  Affected by sudden high temperature and humidity, the middle and lower leaves of the plant are water-stained, as if they have been scalded by boiling water. The main occurrence period is from June to August. Growers should check in time during the flowering period. When the diseased plant rate is about 20%, agents should be sprayed immediately for prevention and control. 800 times solution of 20% Jinggangmycin soluble powder, or 500 to 600 times solution of 75% chlorothalonil WP, or 600-800 times liquid of 50% carbendazim wettable powder, or 600-800 times liquid of 70% thiophanate methyl wettable powder can be selected for spraying. The agent should be sprayed uniformly on both the front and back sides of the upper and lower leaves. If heavy rain occurs after spraying, the selected agent should be sprayed again. The spraying amount is about 1 125 kg/hm2 each time. The second spraying is performed 8-10 d after the first time, and the selected agent is sprayed 2-3 times in consecutive. The application should not be performed under strong sunshine at noon.
  Rust is an epidemic disease in the south, with sporadic occurrences in Sichuan Province. It often forms disease centers on some plots in August and September. The symptoms are yellow-brown spore piles growing on the back of the leaves. When the disease is severe, the leaves will fall off a lot, and the plants may even die. Control method: Once the disease is found, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 1 500-1 800 g, or 15% triadimefon WP 1 200-1 500 g, or 25% propiconazole EC 1 050-1 200 ml can be selected and manually sprayed in a mixture with water 675 kg per hectare. The front and back sides of the leaves both should be sprayed.
  At the initial stage of the disease, 1 000 times liquid of 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder, or 1 500 times liquid of 50% benomyl WP, or 900 to 1 000 times liquid of 50% carbendazim wettable powder, or 2 000 times liquid of 50% prochloraz-manganese chloride complex is sprayed to control the disease.
  Rot spot
  Rot spot is also known as early peanut spot, scorch, leaf scorch, etc. When the diseased leaf rate reaches 5%-10%, and the disease index reaches 3-5, the first spraying is started. 500-800 times liquid of 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder or 300-400 times liquid of 70% mancozeb wettable powder can be selected. The selected agent is sprayed once again 10-15 d later, and it is sprayed 2-3 times in severe cases.   Tikun BAI et al. Green Prevention and Control Technology of Peanut Diseases and Pests in Nanchong City
  Bacterial wilt
  Bacterial wilt is a devastating disease. Once it occurs, peanuts will die in plots. It can occur from the seedling stage to the middle and late stages, and the peak period is mainly during the period of full bloom and fruiting. The symptom is that the diseased plant wilts during the day and returns to normal in the early morning. This phenomenon can last for about 15 d until the plant dies with leaves remaining bluish-green and the taproot tip soft and rot, which can squeeze out gray-white sticky ooze (bacterial ooze). Bacterial wilt is a bacterial disease that is carried by soil and spread by water. Control measures: Varieties with high resistance to bacterial wilt, such as Tianfu 11 can be selected.
  Cutworms and flies
  The disease mainly harms spring (early) peanuts. ① Seed dressing: 10 kg of seeds are coated with 25% thiamethaoxam·fludioxonil·metalaxyl-M granules 60-80 g, or mixed with 50% phoxim EC according to a ratio of agent to seeds of 1∶(50-75), or 5% phoxim granules 22.5-30.0 kg/hm2 is spread when sowing. ② Soil treatment: Phoxim is used for soil treatment during the grub hatching period and the young larva period by applying in trenches. 1 000-2 000 times liquid of 50% phoxim EC can be spread to the seedbed when the seedlings are damaged, or poured to the seedbed when it is severe.
  The larvae of scarabs have two damage periods in one year. The first time is from late April to late May, mainly in continuous cropping peanut fields, sugarcane replacement fields, and sweet potato fields. It is because of overwintering larvae which damage roots and cause dead seedlings. Control method: When sowing, 5% phoxim granules 30-45 kg/hm2 is spread to planting holes, and the 1 500 times liquid of 50% phoxim emulsion is poured in the seedbed at the seedling stage, or 22% imidacloprid·phoxim EC 6 750-9 000 ml/hm2 is mixed with pesticide-clay mixture for ditch application or point application. The second time happens from late June to harvesting, which is mainly due to the larvae hatched in the very year, harming the pods and roots. Control method: In late June, 5% phoxim granules 45-60 kg/hm2 is spread to the seedbed, or 22% imidacloprid·phoxim EC 6 750-9 000 ml/hm2 is mixed with pesticide-clay mixture for ditch application or point application, or 50% phoxim emulsion 7.5 kg/hm2 is mixed with water 4 500 kg and poured to the seedbed.   Wireworms
  The larvae of wireworms bore the kernel and cause an empty shell. The control method is the same as that of grubs.
  When the percentage of plants with aphids in the field reaches 20%-30%, and there are 10-20 aphids per plant, agents should be sprayed to control it. 1 000-1 500 times liquid of 10% imidacloprid WP, or 1 500 times liquid of 50% phoxim EC, or 1 000 times liquid of 4.5% beta-cypermethrin can be selected for spraying, or 25g/L deltamethrin EC 300-375 g/hm2 is manually sprayed in a mixture with 450-675 kg, or automatically sprayed in a mixture with 112.5 kg of water.
  Red spiders
  When red spiders occur sporadically in the field, pesticides are sprayed in time for prevention and control. 3 000 times liquid of 1.8% abamectin EC, or 300-500 times liquid of 0.5% veratrine solution, or 3 000 times liquid of 20% velatrione EC , or 2 500 times liquid of 15% pyridaben (Suomanjing) EC, or 2 500 times liquid of 10% imidacloprid wettable powder can be selected and sprayed once every 7-10 d, continuously 2-3 times in total. The selected agents must be sprayed evenly to the back of the leaves, and multiple drugs should be used alternately. Meanwhile, parasitic plants such as weeds around the field also should be sprayed to prevent spread.
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