
来源 :低压电器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xieyuchun
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岁人98虎年,《低压电器》以改版大16开和向国外发行的虎虎生气和崭新面貌与广大读者见面了。这是《低压电器》面向21世纪,跨上新的台阶与国际接轨的又一个重要标志。《低压电器》自59年创刊至今,历经了近40个春秋艰苦创业的光辉旅程,承蒙广大作者创造性的辛勤劳动、读者的厚爱和社会各界同仁的支持,取得了一系列引以自豪的佳绩,先后多次荣获全国优秀科技期刊二等奖、机械部优秀科技期刊一等奖、上海市优秀科技期刊一等奖,列入全国中文核心期刊和荣获“守合同、重信誉”广告先进单位。值此虎年新春之际,编辑部全体同仁谨向上述各界人士表示衷心的感谢并致以新年的亲切问侯! 98 years old, the “low-voltage electrical appliances” to change the big 16 open and the tiger issued to foreign angry and new look met with the majority of readers. This is another important symbol of “low-voltage electrical appliances” facing the 21st century and transiting to a new level with international standards. Since the publication of “Low Voltage Apparatus” in 59 years ago, it has undergone a glorious journey of nearly 40 hard-working pioneers in the spring and autumn. Thanks to the creative work of the authors, the love of readers and the support of colleagues from all walks of life, the company has achieved a series of pride. He has won the second prize of National Outstanding Sci-tech Journal, the First Prize of Outstanding Sci-tech Journal of Ministry of Machinery, the First Prize of Outstanding Sci-tech Journal of Shanghai, and is listed in the core Chinese periodical and the advanced ad unit of “Shou contract and credit”. On the occasion of the New Year of the Tiger, all my colleagues in the editorial department hereby express my heart-felt gratitude to all people from all walks of life for their kind regards.
本实验利用人食管癌细胞系(Eca 109)分别移植于裸小鼠肌肉内和肾包膜囊下,对其生长和侵袭特性进行了光镜和电镜观察。肌肉内侵袭组肿瘤成活率为100%,瘤组织呈鳞状上皮癌结构,
将感染了隐匿管状线虫(Cyphcia obvelata)的小鼠分别与未感染的SD大鼠(Spragne-Dawley rats)、长爪沙鼠和金黄地鼠共同饲养在一个笼子里,这些动物被感染上了隐匿管状线虫。再
本世纪初以来,解剖学家逐步注意到肠系膜血管的侧支循环。1913年 Drummond 首先描述全部肠系膜血管由结肠中央吻合支以及不完整的边缘动脉所相通。1933年 Steward 发现6%尸
Inflammatory bowel diseases(IBD) such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are chronic-remittent inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal tract stil