人长了眼睛就一定能看清这个世界吗? 向京×亢世新

来源 :东方艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:puccacat
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仅仅用艺术史和学院学习到的知识,当代艺术里的许多“绘画”超越了边界,被模糊的边界又被那些逐渐重复的方法外延建构起来,等待着再次被越过。发生了的艺术不断给人很多规训和审美价值,可以依照着这些条框走下去,也可以逆行。平面之间,绘画带给我们无穷无尽的可能,从方法、从文化、从观念……我是从青年100的评选里认识亢世新的,他的绘画有点儿特别(几乎看不出学院的教育成果),方法有点儿像过去年代的连环画;内容又是魔幻奇异,像是男孩子时期的碎碎念。年轻—代和现实的交集越来越少,这是个事实,在创作还没透支经验和才华之前,完全可以发展出一个广大的世界,大得没边。 Just using the knowledge learned in art history and college, many of the “paintings” in contemporary art transcend borders, and the blurred borders are constructed by iterative methods that wait until they are crossed again. The art that has taken place continues to give a lot of discipline and aesthetic value, which can be walked along these lines and retrograde. From plane to painting, painting brings us endless possibilities, from method to culture and from concept ... I came to know Newton from the selection of Youth 100, and his painting is a bit special (I can hardly see the college’s educational achievements ), The method is a bit like a comic in the past; the content is magical again, like the break of the boy period. Young-generation and reality less and less, it is a fact, in the creation of the experience and talent without overdraft before, can develop a vast world, big no way.
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Recent years,with the surge of a large number of comprehensive universities and art students, art education towards comprehensive universities has become a cons