
来源 :城市公共交通 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong590
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在市场经济大潮中 ,邯郸市公交油料处转变观念 ,改进服务 ,送油进站 ,开辟油料配送新局面。一年来 ,先后配送油料达 5 0 0余吨 ,节约非营运油耗 5 0余吨 ,在减少非营运油耗节约资金的同时 ,提高了营运车辆的正点率 ,受到一线司乘及广大乘客的好评。该油料处担负着邯郸公交近 40 In the tide of market economy, Handan City Department of Public Transportation to change concepts, improve service, send oil into the station, opening up a new situation in oil distribution. Over the past year, it has delivered more than 500 tons of fuel oil and saved over 50 tons of non-operating fuel consumption. While reducing non-operating fuel consumption and saving funds, it increased the punctuality rate of operating vehicles and was well received by first-line departmental passengers and passengers. The oil charge Handan bus near 40
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20 0 0年以来 ,唐山公交总公司在油料、配件价格大幅度上涨的情况下 ,不等不靠 ,描准市场 ,举贷投入 ,滚动发展。为了解决部分小区“乘车难”问题 ,自筹资金2 2 35 .5万元 ,
《广播影视法律案例编析》(中国广播电视出版社,2010年8月出版)。该书对近十年来发生在我国广播影视领域的有影响的法律案例进行了系统梳理内容达40余万字。作者按照案 “Ra
Aircraft digital flexible assembly fixture and technologies are widely used in developed countries, while the traditional jig-based assembly mode is still used
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呼市公共交通总公司继 2 0 0 0年 9月 1日 35辆新车上线运营以来 ,最近又购置了 5 2辆新车 ,将投入运营。2 0 0 0年公司新领导上任以来 ,做了大量深入细致的调查研究工作 ,认
通讯员羡羽佳报道由美国林业及纸业协会(AF&PA)下属的Agenda 2020技术联盟所创建的Value Prior to Pulping(VPP)组织,以及CleanTech Partners与Verenium公司签署 Correspond