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我的父亲只有左臂,没有右臂,人们尊称他为“独臂将军”。他是怎么失去右臂的呢?毛泽东主席曾写过一篇著名的文章叫《纪念白求恩》。白求恩是加拿大一位著名的外科医生,为了帮助中国人民的抗日战争,1938年来到中国,他亲临前线为八路军伤员治伤。在石家庄白求恩纪念馆里记载着白求恩手术救治过的八路军伤员名单中,职务最高的一位,就是当时八路军359旅717团的参谋长左齐,他就是我的父亲。 My father has only his left arm and no right arm. People respect him as “one-armed general.” How did he lose his right arm? Chairman Mao Zedong once wrote a famous article called “Memorial to Bethune.” Bethune, a famous Canadian surgeon, came to China in 1938 in order to help the Chinese people’s war of resistance against Japan. He personally went to the front to heal the Eighth Route Army wounded. Bethune Memorial in Shijiazhuang recorded Bethune surgical treatment of the Eighth Route Army wounded list, one of the highest positions, was the Eighth Route Army 359 Brigade 717 regiment chief Zuo Qi, he is my father.