
来源 :中国税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxws008
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干实事的税务所长纪春阔刚过不惑之年的刘志江,是北京市顺义县地方税务局第一税务所的所长,在税收的岗位上已经度过了十人个春秋。在十几年的工作中,他勤奋务实、忠厚诚恳、秉公执法、不徇私情,曾连续五年被评为优秀共产党员,三次获县局先进个人、县局十佳税务干部、... Real Director of Taxation Ji Chunkau Liu Zhijiang, who had just passed an indecipherable year, is the director of the First Tax Office of Shunyi County Local Taxation Bureau in Beijing. He has spent ten years in the post of taxation. In more than ten years of work, he is diligent and pragmatic, honest and sincere, impartially enforce the law, not ignoring personal circumstances, was named five consecutive years of outstanding Communist Party members, three were county-level individuals, top ten county tax cadres, ...
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在德国与中国卓有成效的合作 25周年之际,我很荣幸地应《国际贸易》月刊编辑部之邀,写下一些我个人的感想。我很高兴,而且也感到特别自豪的是,我的职业使我有幸能连续20多年
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