
来源 :中国社会科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:samfl
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新时代美好生活是21世纪马克思主义的独特命题,是基于中国特色社会主义的历史独创性而展开的.伴随着我国社会主要矛盾的转化,“新时代美好生活”成为了一种新的生活样态,当然,这种新的生活样态与新的发展理念也是相辅相成的:一方面,新发展理念的提出就是立足于生活样态的转变,因此两者的内在旨趣是高度关联的;另一方面,新发展理念的提出又会在实践层面进一步推进“新时代美好生活”的构建,并对于社会主要矛盾的化解也起到了关键性的引领作用.因此,以新发展理念为指引,全面理解新时代美好生活的革命性意义,就必须内在地把握新时代美好生活的多种样态,它主要包括了主体样态、发生样态、实现样态与外部样态.它们分别以“人民主体,政党引领”“矛盾转变,供需融合”“劳动为本,共创共享”“理想同构,世界延伸”为理论支柱,共同组成了独特的中国样态.在中国特色社会主义或现代化建设的过程中,只有扬弃“物的依赖性”并秉持“自由个性”的实践意旨,新时代的美好生活方能完成向“人本身”的“复归”,实现对于中国道路的价值引领.“,”A“better life in the new era,”a proposition unique to 21st century Marxism,is based on the historical originality of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Along with the transformation of the main contradictions in Chinese society,“a better life in the new era”has become a new life-form.Of course,the new life-form and new development ideas are complementary.On the one hand,the proposition of the new development ideas is based on the transformation of the new life-forms,so the inherent purport of the two is closely related;on the other,the proposition of such ideas will further promote the construction of“a better life in the new era”at the level of practice,and will play a key leading role in the resolution of major social contradictions.Therefore,to comprehensively understand the revolutionary significance of a“better life in the new era”under the guidance of the new development principles,we must gain an intrinsic grasp of the many forms of a“better life in the new era,”including its actors,forms of occurrence,forms of realization and external forms.They have as their theoretical support such concepts as“the people as the main force,the ruling Party as the guide,”“transformation of contradictions,integration of supply and demand,”“labor orientation,co-creation and sharing,”and“homogeneous ideals extended worldwide.”Together,these constitute a unique Chinese style.In the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics,or modernization,only the sublation of“objective[sachlicher]dependence”and adherence to the practical intention of“free individuality”can fulfill the“return”of a“better life in the new era”toward“man himself,”and achieve value guidance for the Chinese road.
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