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随着网络安全产品在信息化建设中地位的提高,市场需求将逐渐扩大。至2005年底世界网络安全产品的市场规模将扩大为210亿美元,平均年增长率达25.5%。在行业用户方面,金融业占网络安全服务市场份额最大,2000年全球金融业信息安全服务市场规模为8.48亿美元,到2005年将增至22亿美元。由此可见,金融业是最迫切要求安全的行业。但是金融业普遍存在着这样的问题:所使用系统无法实现集中和自动的升级,大多数用户对防病毒工作的重视程度还不够,无法保证防病毒软件的及时升级和病毒码的及时更新;企业所使用的防病毒措施中,大多数没有考虑软件的集中管理功能,其可维护性差而且维护与管理的成本也很大;所用系统对防治近年来流行的网络病毒的效果不好。那么金融行业该怎样保证网络安全呢? With the increase in the status of network security products in information construction, market demand will gradually expand. By the end of 2005, the market scale of the world’s cyber security products will expand to 21 billion U.S. dollars, with an average annual growth rate of 25.5%. In terms of industry users, the financial industry accounts for the largest market share of network security services. In 2000, the global financial industry information security service market was 848 million U.S. dollars, and by 2005 it will increase to 2.2 billion U.S. dollars. From this we can see that the financial industry is the most urgently demanding industry. However, the financial industry generally has such problems: the system used cannot be centralized and automatically upgraded. Most users do not attach enough importance to anti-virus work, and cannot guarantee the timely upgrade of anti-virus software and the timely update of virus codes. Most of the anti-virus measures used do not take into account the centralized management functions of the software, and their poor maintainability and the maintenance and management costs are very high; the system used is not effective in preventing and controlling network viruses that have become popular in recent years. So how can the financial industry ensure network security?
目前是发展路面机械最好的时期:自1998年以来公路建设完成投资每年都在2000亿元以上(1998年 2118亿,1999年2189亿,2000年2316亿,2001年 2600亿),而且逐年在增加。9.11事件后
电工材料行业生产力促进中心系 1998年 6月经科技部批准成立 ,挂靠桂林电器科学研究所 ,本中心以提高电工材料 (主要包括绝缘材料、电触头材料、磁性材料 )行业中小企业的技
碳纳米管是十年前由日本科学家饭岛澄男发现的 ,物质强度极高 ,是钢的 1 0 0倍 ,而重量却只有其七分之一。人类用了 1 0年时间也没有找到大批量生产碳纳米管的方法 ,产量最高