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“最近超忙!”这句话日渐频繁地被当作朋友及同事间寒暄问候的回答。没有哪个时代像今天这样让人感到异常忙碌,不管是企业管理者,还是所谓的知识工作者或专业人士。越来越多的企业也意识到,在经营中无时无刻不在投入的、规模最大、成本最高的资源就是企业老总、中层经理以及员工们的时间。因此,对时间的管理和对其他的人、财、物的管理一样的重要。那么,什么是时间管理呢?有没有简单高效的时间管理之道呢?来自学院派的观点认为,时间管理所探索的是如何减少时间浪费,以便有效地完成既定目标的问题。由于时间所具备的独特性,所以时间管理的对象不是“时间”,它更多的是指面对时间而进行的“自管理者的管理”。这里所说的自管理者的管理是:你必须抛弃陋习,引入新的工作方式和生活习惯,包括要订立目标、妥善计划、分配时间、权衡轻重和权利下放。渡过“五一”黄金周之后,在企业经营活动面临着更重要的业绩拉升的时候,如何让员工的工作忙而不乱呢?本期就让我们看金和软件董事长兼总裁栾润峰是如何分身有术的。 The words “Recently Very Busy!” Are increasingly being used as greeting greetings from friends and colleagues. No era is as overwhelming as it is today, whether it be business managers or so-called knowledge workers or professionals. More and more enterprises are also aware that the largest and most expensive resource they invest in the business all the time is the time of CEOs, middle managers and employees. Therefore, the management of time is just as important as the management of other people, money and things. So, what is time management? Is there any simple and efficient way of time management? From the academic point of view, what time management explores is how to reduce time wasted in order to effectively accomplish the stated goals. Due to the uniqueness of time, the object of time management is not “time”, but more refers to “self-management” in the face of time. The self-manager management here is that you have to abandon bad habits and introduce new ways of working and living habits, including setting goals, making plans, allocating time, weighing the weight and delegating rights. After the May Day Golden Week, when the business activities are facing more important achievements, how to make the staff’s work busy and not mess? This issue let us look at the gold and software chairman and president Luan Runfeng How to deal with the surgery.
婴儿的抵抗力不如成人,所以更容易患上感冒并发烧。为了让父母在第一时间发现宝宝体温的变化,一家厂商就生产出了这款变色婴儿装。 Infants are less resistant than adults
本刊讯(特约通讯员钱开胜)据桂林日报(张广宁)消息,桂林检验检疫局2009年6月2日召开2009年出境水果果园和包装厂“质量和安全年”活动动员大会,动员有关果品生产和加工企 Th
蓝色的广告壁,白色,带着波浪状的天花板,几辆漂亮,帅气的童车沿着旋转跑道直上云端,一辆粉色的可爱 Blue advertising wall, white, with wavy ceiling, a few beautiful, h
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每期一考1.孙建明经营的公司全称是_____。2._____年,经国务院批准,撤盟级建制,设地级通辽市。10年间,通辽市各项事业迅猛发展,一座现代化的新城市已展现在人们面前。 One t