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南方春造辣椒主要是销往北方。为了赶上开春北运季节,播种期多安排在10月份,而在这个从高温到低温的播种育苗期,应着重抓好以下几项关键技术。1、把好种子发芽关。播种后,苗床上要保持湿润,土温在25℃左右才能出芽快、芽壮、早齐苗。如时于时湿,种子发芽率会受到严重影响。播种前先淋足苗床水、然后播种,撒上盖种肥,再用地膜复盖,以保持苗床的温、湿度;幼苗出土后,立即揭开地膜,改为小拱棚薄膜复盖育苗。2、防蚂蚁危害种子。蚂蚁最喜食辣椒种子,但往往使人们误认为种子发芽率差。因此,播种后,应在苗床四周撒药诱杀蚂蚁,以保护辣椒种子不受蚂蚁蚕食。 South spring peppers are mainly sold to the north. In order to catch up with the opening season of the spring season, the sowing period is scheduled to be more in October, and in this seeding and seedling stage from high temperature to low temperature, the following key technologies should be emphasized. 1, the good seed germination. After sowing, seedbed to keep moist, soil temperature at about 25 ℃ to budding, bud strong, early Qi Miao. When wet, seed germination rate will be seriously affected. Sow seedlings before planting water bed, and then sowing, sprinkle with cover fertilizer, and then covered with plastic film to keep the seedbed temperature and humidity; excavated immediately after the uncover the plastic film, cover the small arch shed film nursery. 2, anti-ant damage to seeds. Ants most like to eat pepper seeds, but often people mistakenly believe that the germination rate is poor. Therefore, sowing, should be spread around the seedbed trap ants to protect the pepper seeds are not eaten by ants.
至今我国固定资产总投资中,房地产只占不到20%,绝大部分建设项目包括水利、交通设施、工厂,公共建筑等等都是由各单位自己筹建建设的。 So far, China’s total investment
目的 探究综合护理干预对ICU股骨干骨折术后心理健康的影响.方法 选取我院ICU2018年8月至2019年10月期间收治的76例行股骨干骨折手术患者作为研究对象.将所有患者依照护理模
用桉树叶、香樟叶、松针叶中的一种,平铺在贮存的地面上10厘米厚,将果实放于叶面上,放一层果实再放一层树叶,以堆放5~6层为宜,最后再用树叶盖在果堆上。贮存7天后用塑料薄 E
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