2005年3月20日,王某(以下简称王)至深圳市劳动和社会保障局投诉深圳市某某有限公司,(以下简称某某公司)无故拖欠其2005年1月份、2月份的工资以及 2004年12月份的加班工资。深圳市劳动和社会保障监察支队立案调查发现,某某公司已于2004年12月底为王办理了离职手续,工资结算清楚。王提供的1、2两月的公司考勤记录显示,其于1、2两月份仍然在公司工作,而某某公司称王在2004年12月底离职后每天强
On March 20, 2005, Wang (hereinafter referred to as Wang) complained to Shenzhen Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau about Shenzhen XX Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as XX Company) for no reason in arrears for its January and February 2005 salaries and Overtime pay in December 2004. Investigation and investigation of labor and social security detachment in Shenzhen found that certain company had handled the resignation procedure at the end of December 2004 and the salary settlement was clear. King provided 1, 2 months of company attendance records show that in January and February are still working in the company, and certain companies that king quit after the end of December 2004 every day strong