The Effect of Giving Reimprinting Intervention in Changes in Cholesterol Levels

来源 :护理学期刊(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lygcctv
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Background: Today’s lifestyle changes have resulted in changes in the pattern of diseases from infectious diseases to non-communicable diseases. One disease that threatens the community is hypercholesterolemia. Pharmacological therapy was performed often
Introduction: Previous studies have shown that a light sedation level is beneficial for intubated patients in the Intensive care unit (ICU). Aim: This study aim
【正】 人民解放军第一个以军兵种为单位的人才研究组织——海军人才研究会,于1990年1月11日在北京成立。这个在海军党委领导下的学术团体,将着重围绕军事人才及军队干部工作
The success of development in the health sector has an impact on improving the health status and life expectancy of the people of Indonesia. Increasing life exp
Objective: To investigate patient engagement to gain understandings of professional and patient’s views and inform the development of a patient engagement conc
【正】 为了及时准确地掌握本刊1994年所刊发文稿在军内外学术理论界的反映情况,我们委托中南财经大学期刊信息服务部提供检索咨询服务,同时自行收集了在军队报刊上部分被转
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Nursing is a very intense and focused career, so picking the right time and its proper management can help to relieve personal stress, manage tasks properly and