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由城乡建设环保部和国家档案局共同批准的《档案馆建筑设计规范》(以下简称《规范》)从1986年7月1日起颁布实施以来,已经一年多了。这个《规范》向全国首次提出了建筑档案馆的统一技术要求,它具有技术立法的权威性和科学性。近几年,我省已陆续建了不少新馆房,但是按照《规范》标准去衡量、还有不少的距离。《规范》是重要的法规性文件,各级档案部门在建新馆时,均应严格遵照执行。况且,《规范》的一系列指标,均是最基本的技术要求,各地经过努力,是能够达到的。对过去已建成并投入使用的档案馆,还有改造的问题,需要认真研究。为了帮助各地学习和理解《规范》,本期刊载了《档案库房建筑应注意的几个问题》,供各地参考。希望大家都来关心和讨论档案库厉的建筑问题。 It has been more than a year since the “Code for Architectural Design of Archives” (hereinafter referred to as the “Code”) jointly approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection for Urban and Rural Development and the State Archives has been promulgated and implemented since July 1, 1986. This “regulation” first proposed to the whole country the technical requirements of the Archives of Architecture, which has the authority and scientific nature of technical legislation. In recent years, our province has successively built a lot of new museums, but in accordance with the “standard” standard to measure, there are a lot of distance. “Specification” is an important regulatory document, archives departments at all levels in the construction of new museum, should be strictly followed. Moreover, a series of “norms” of the indicators are the most basic technical requirements, all through hard work, can be achieved. Archives that have been built and put into operation in the past are still under reform and need careful study. In order to help all over to learn and understand the “norms”, this issue contains “several issues should be noted in the archives building” for reference. I hope everyone will care about and discuss the architectural problems of the file library.
Peidro Almodovar的电影《捆着我,绑着我》,主人公是一些痛苦的爱中备受折磨的人,影片讲述爱情中永恒的矛盾:我们渴望爱与被爱,同时又害怕去爱与被爱。不喜欢孤独,却又害怕两
在文书学研究领域中,探讨文书的起源是十分必要的。近来看到一些研究我国文书起源的文章,对其中的某些观点不敢苟同,故书此文,请教各位同仁。 《一》 中国历史起源远长,据考
“不管是物质社会下的生活变得有多么的浮华,其实每个人的心中都藏着灿烂的、美好的,纯朴的至爱真情。” “No matter how glitzy the life under the materialistic societ