Effect of Hydrogen on Plastic Deformation near Crack-tipof A537 Steel in 3.5%NaCl Solution

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tx9yky2w
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A computerized digital speckle-intederometry system was set up to study in-situ the influence of cathodic hydrogen charging on the crack opening displacement and on the plastic strain distribution at corrosion fatigue crack tip for the singIe-edge notched plate specimens of structural steel in 3.5%NaCl solution with an applied potential of -1400 mV (SCE). Meanwhile, the mono-directional tension tests with smooth specimens were pedermed in both air and 3.5%NaCl solution under the hydrogen charging conditions. The fracture sudece morphology from corrosion fatigue and tension was examined by SEM. The experimental results show that the existence of hydrogen in crack tip material caused an increase of both yield strength and hardening exponent and a decrease of plastic zone size at the corrosion fatigue crack tip. A computerized digital speckle-intederometry system was set up to study in-situ the influence of cathodic hydrogen charging on the crack opening displacement and on the plastic strain distribution at corrosion fatigue crack tip for the singler-edge notched plate specimens of structural steel in 3.5 % NaCl solution with an applied potential of -1400 mV (SCE). Meanwhile, the mono-directional tension tests with pests molded in both air and 3.5% NaCl solution under the hydrogen charging conditions. The fracture sudece morphology from corrosion fatigue and tension was examined by SEM. The experimental results show that the existence of hydrogen in crack tip material caused an increase of both yield strength and hardening exponent and a decrease of plastic zone size at the corrosion fatigue crack tip.
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1 引言 有氧耐力训练可导致安静心动过缓或极限负荷时心率降低,已为公认。这一效应与交感神经系统兴奋性降低有关。从理论上说,该系统活性降低的主要环节是Beta—肾上腺素受
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今天下午,一个新离职的朋友远道来看我,跟我说了心头的愤怒与痛苦,虽然过去了一个星期,但言语之间仍然愤怒不已。  “我现在才知道什么是无情!”朋友说话的时候语气很重,“企业都一样,寡情薄义。”“怎么说?”我问。“你知道,我在这家公司干了七年,一直兢兢业业,想得也不多,就是把自己的事情做好。但是现在公司做人事调整,把我辞退了。而且说辞退就辞退,一点儿人情味都没有。”朋友越说越激动,语调越来越高,“要不