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多年来,东北三省和沈阳军区研究东北抗战的同志,对东北抗日游击战争和东北抗日联军的历史进行了深入研究并取得可喜成果。这些成果已形成若干专题,其特点是全、新、深。“全”就是对东北抗战和东北抗联进行了全面的、多层次的研究;“新”就是有许多新观点、新思路、新史料、新课题,有许多专题如抗联的战斗特点、抗联的训练工作、抗联的党建工作等都是第一次面世;“深”就是研究比较深入,有些专题如东北抗日根据地的建设、抗日统一战线等研究得更加深入透彻。2005年,是中国抗日战争胜利60周年,为纪念中华民族伟大的民族斗争,本刊将用一年时间连续发表一系列专题文章,进一步宣传东北抗战和东北抗联的光辉业绩,弘扬东北军民的伟大民族精神,激发爱国热情,全力投入到“振兴东北老工业基地”的伟大事业中。 Over the years, the comrades who studied northeast China’s war of resistance in the three northeast provinces and the Shenyang Military Region conducted an in-depth study on the history of the anti-japanese guerrilla war in Northeast China and the anti-Japanese coalition forces in Northeast China and achieved gratifying results. These achievements have resulted in a number of topics characterized by all, newness and depth. “All” is a comprehensive and multi-level study of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War and the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance. There are many new ideas, new ideas, new historical materials and new topics for the “new”. There are many special topics such as the fighting characteristics of the anti- The joint training work and the anti-Japanese party building work were the first ones to be published. “Deepness” means more in-depth research. Some special topics, such as the construction of the anti-Japanese base areas in Northeast China, and the anti-Japanese united front, have become more in-depth and thorough. In 2005, marking the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in China, in order to commemorate the great ethnic struggles of the Chinese nation, we will publish a series of monographs in a row over a year to further publicize the brilliant achievements of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War and the Northeast Anti-Japanese War and to promote the military and civilian Great national spirit, inspire patriotic enthusiasm, and devote all his efforts to the great cause of “rejuvenating the northeast old industrial base.”
我国台湾地区公司法于 2 0 0 1年进行了重新修订 ,此次修订呈现出许多特点 :减少行政干预 ,增加弹性条款 ,扩大公司自主权 ,推进公司管理科学化 ,法律条文更加准确、精练等 ,