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《计算机应用基础》是中职学校设置的一门重要课程。为了有效培养“9+3”学生的计算机操作技能,提高其适应将来工作需要的必备素质,为他们参与建设家乡奠定坚实的基础,教学这门课程,必须紧密针对学生实际,采用多种教学方法,提高教学的有效性:一是积极引导,让学生有兴趣;二是紧扣生活,激发学习动力;三是设计活动,助推学生个性发展。实践证明:只要遵循规律,方法得当,就能收到预期的良好效果。 “Computer Application Basics” is an important course set up by secondary vocational schools. In order to effectively cultivate the students’ computer skills and improve the necessary qualities for their future work, and lay a solid foundation for them to participate in the construction of their hometown, the teaching of this course must be very close to the actual students and employ more Teaching methods to improve the effectiveness of teaching: First, actively guide students interested; Second, closely linked to life, stimulate learning motivation; Third, design activities to boost student personality development. Practice has proved that just follow the law, the proper method, you can receive the expected good results.
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