推拿人生堪传奇 推拿普济更养生——上海中医推拿名家郑风胡教授的养生经验

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郑风胡,上海推拿名家,是上海中医药大学附属岳阳医院的教授,上海中医药大学专家委员会委员。他的一生颇有传奇色彩:从上海医科大学的前身国立上海医学院毕业后参军当了一名军医,后转业回到上海,又由西医外科医生转学中医,成了治病只用双手不用药的推拿医生。从上世纪60年代到70年代,曾3次赴西藏,5年多时间留在青藏高原为藏胞和尼泊尔边民治病15000多人次,为了培养更多永不迁徙“的郑风胡”,曾办班培养当地学员170余人。他为救治病人2次充当献皮供体;从学生时代到后来工作期间2次充当献骨髓的供体。他生于1925年2月,今年虚龄81岁。他谢顶,滋润的脸庞皱纹很少,没有一点老年斑,双手掌绵软而有力。 Zheng Feng Hu, a famous massage master in Shanghai, is a professor of Yueyang Hospital affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a member of the Expert Committee of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. His life is quite legendary: from the Shanghai Medical University, the predecessor of the National Shanghai Medical College after graduating from the army was a military doctor, and after returning to work in Shanghai, Western surgeons transferred to Chinese medicine, has become a medical treatment only with both hands without medication Massage doctor. From the 1960s to the 1970s, he went to Tibet three times and stayed in the Tibetan Plateau for more than 15,000 people from Tibet and Nepal. In order to train more “Zheng Fenghu” Class to cultivate more than 170 local students. He treated the patient 2 times as a donor; from the student’s age to later serving twice as a bone marrow donor. He was born in February 1925 and was 81 years old this year. He tops, moistens little wrinkles, no age spots, soft and powerful hands.