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中班幼儿的口头语言的表达能力一般比较差,往往是东一句西一句地讲,不能较连贯地叙述。实践已证明,情境教学对发展幼儿的口头语言的表达能力,有较好的效果。情境教学是通过表演者(老师或小朋友)的动作、表情和有关的环境布置,有时还配上优美的音乐伴奏,生动、形象地把故事的内容和情节,似一幅幅活动的画面,展现在幼儿面前,能极大地激发他们学习的兴趣。由于活动着的对象、动听的乐声易于被幼儿感知,教师精心设计的启发性问题,又能引导幼儿把注意力集中在有关的对象上,使他们细致地进行观察。幼儿边感知(看、听)边运用内部言语(即无声的言语)进行自觉的分析综合,然后运用新学的词用完整的语句比较连贯地讲述故事的内容。所以,情境教学有利于发展幼儿的观察力、记忆力、思维能力和口头语言的表达能力。我们根据中班幼儿的年龄特点和语言教学的任 The expressive ability of midwifery children in oral languages ​​is generally poor, often speaking from east to west and can not be described more consistently. Practice has proved that situational teaching has a good effect on the development of children's verbal ability. Situational teaching is based on the actions of the performers (teachers or children), facial expressions and the related environmental arrangements, sometimes accompanied by beautiful musical accompaniment, vividly and vividly displaying the contents and plot of the story as if it were a series of activities In the face of young children, can greatly stimulate their interest in learning. Due to the moving objects, the pleasant music is easy to be perceived by young children and the instructively designed heuristic problems of teachers. At the same time, children can be guided to focus their attention on relevant objects so that they can observe them carefully. Toddlers perceive (watch, listen to) the use of internal language (ie, silent speech) to conduct a conscious analysis and synthesis, and then use the new school of words with a complete statement more consistent story about the content. Therefore, situational teaching is conducive to the development of children's observation, memory, thinking skills and oral language expression. We are based on the age of young children and language characteristics of the teaching office
教态即教师在教学活动中的言语、举止、面部表情。教师如有美的教态,便能有效地吸引学生的注意力,给学生以美的熏陶和感染,收到良好的教学效果。 一位教师教《勤俭节约——从
在实践中,探索活动的安排往往是三步曲:提出要求——探索活动——总结交流,探索时间一般只有10-15分钟。其实,孩子只有在充分 In practice, the arrangement of exploratio
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<正> 初中语文教材修订后,每册增加课文10篇,而学期教学总时数却没有增加。课文由讲读课和自读课组成单元,如第一册,40篇课文,讲读课21篇,自读课19篇,还有汉语知识,作文训练