
来源 :植物生理学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangking88
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大麦是禾本科植物,为了把大麦平常的花,和我们发现长在芒上的花便於比较起见,不妨把平常大麦花的构造简单提一下: 大麦是穗状花序,穗的中间为带节的穗轴,每个轴节上需生三个僅具有一个小花的小穗。两片護颖是狭长的。在花托上面,内外颖之间恙生最主要的生殖器官——雌蕊和雄蕊,雌蕊由子房和两个羽毛状柱头构成;雄蕊三个,每个雄蕊均有一纖细的花丝和二室花药构成。子房于外颖之间有膜状的鳞片两个。芒是由外颖顶端延长而成的,凡有芒的品种,其芒的外部形态,常见的有光芒、钩芒和钝锯齒芒等幾种類型。 Barley is a gramineous plant. In order to compare the common barley flower with the flower we found on the mantle for comparison, we can briefly mention the structure of the common barley flower: the barley is a spike and the middle of the spike is nodal Spikelets, three spikelets with only one floret per axis. Two retaining Ying is narrow. Above the torus, the most important genital organs, pistils and stamens, between the internal and external Ying and Ying, the pistil composed of ovary and two feathery stigma; three stamens, each with a slender filament and two-compartment anthers . Ovary with foreign film between the two scales. Mans are extended from the top of the external Ying, where there are varieties of Mount, the external shape of its Mount, the common light, hook Mount and blunt sawtooth Mount several types.
目的探讨彩色多普勒超声对乳腺癌的诊断应用。方法对36例经彩超诊断为乳腺癌的声像图和手术后病理结果进行分析。结果 36例乳腺癌特征声像圈表现:肿块形态不规则,边界不清呈
目的:观察乙型肝炎e抗原(HBeAg)对健康人单核细胞来源的树突状细胞(Dendritic cells,DCs)表面Toll样受体2(TLR 2)和程序性死亡配体-1(PD-L1)表达的影响,进一步探讨乙肝病毒感