This paper reports the investigation and analysis of the hazard index of uranium exploration and production in China. A total of 17,559 people surveyed 2 sets of 3 nuclear mines (15.5% of geology, 84.5% of mines) and 517552.5 person-years. The results showed that the hazard index for the five units from 1955 to 1990 was 41.6 years / 1000 person-years, lower than the coal system in Shanxi Province (71.5 years / 1000 person-years) and higher than the metallurgical system (15.1-1000 persons Year) and the average of the nuclear industry (15.7 years / 1000 person-years), mainly related to the increase in the number of silicosis and death in uranium mines. The article also analyzes the uncertainties in the calculation of the hazard index.