Performance measurements of an energy recovery ventilator (ERV) and effective ventilation strategy w

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Recent changes in the Korean climate have led to an increase in ventilation load and building energy consumption. This study focuses on the operation of a ventilation system integrated with an Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) and a hybrid desiccant system in an attempt to reduce energy consumption in buildings under the Korean climate. The ERV and hybrid desiccant system are each suitable for reducing sensible and latent loads and saving building energy in the Korean climate, which is hot and humid in summer and cold and dry in winter. The energy performance of ERV was measured and analyzed. The efficiency of the ventilation system, building energy, and indoor air quality were simulated by EnergyPlus 8.7. A ventilation strategy was suggested for the Korean climate based on both measurement and simulation results. The winter ventilation strategy, which includes indoor humidity control of 30%, and constant ERV operation with frost protections (such as recirculating exhaust air and bypassing outdoor air), was shown to save 23% of heating energy. The summer ventilation strategy, which includes an ERV & hybrid desiccant system and fixed enthalpy economizer control saved 22.5% of cooling energy.
摘 要:畜牧业绿色发展是农业绿色发展的基础和重点领域,也是我国畜牧业转型升级的重要目标。传统畜牧业经济增长模式面临的资源环境约束、生产成本上涨、价格严重倒挂等问题日益突出,迫切需要转变发展方式,提高可持续发展能力和市场竞争能力。为此,要全面贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,尤其要以绿色发展理念为引领,探索一条绿色高效的现代畜牧业新路径。  关键词:环保;畜牧业;发展思路  推进畜牧业可持
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