The study includes two afforestation experiments. The first seed germplasm was collected from 37 counties in 17 provinces (cities) in China’s total distribution area and afforestation sites were set up in 4 different ecological conditions. The second-stage provenance provenances were collected from 7 A good provenance seed counties 79 dominant trees. Afforestation sites were set up in 3 different ecological conditions, 3-7 replications and 9-16 random blocks. The results showed that there were significant differences in variance analysis between the elite source such as tree height, DBH, trunk height, crown width, volume, dryness and provenance × site interaction. The main economic traits of genetic variation showed a one-way gradient mode. The 37 provenances were divided into 4 groups by principal component analysis, and the best provenances for different ecological conditions were screened in Shaanxi Province. Compared with the provenances in Nei’an County of Inner Mongolia, the superior provenances have a genetic gain of 13%.