为了提高中医院校大学生的心理素质 ,有针对性地进行心理咨询与治疗。运用精神健康测验 (PHI)问卷 ,对浙江中医学院 1 0个专业的 352名大学生进行调查测试。结果显示 ,在大学生中存在着一定的心理问题 ,男女生比较 ,在抑郁、焦虑、病理性人格特点、疑病等方面存在显著差异 ,不同专业之间也有明显差异。从调查的总体结果分析 ,研究生心理健康状况良好 ,中药本科生表现出心理问题较多。通过本研究 ,使学生对自己的心理健康状况有了深入了解 ,进一步提高了自我心理保健意识 ,使学生在心身两个方面都获得健康发展
In order to improve the psychological quality of college students, targeted counseling and treatment. Using mental health test (PHI) questionnaire, Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine 105 professional students survey. The results show that there are certain psychological problems among college students. There is significant difference between boys and girls in the aspects of depression, anxiety, pathological personality, hypochondria and so on. There are also obvious differences among different majors. From the survey of the overall results, postgraduate mental health is good, Chinese medicine undergraduates showed more psychological problems. Through this study, students can gain a better understanding of their own mental health status and further raise their awareness of self-psychological health care so as to enable students to achieve healthy development both physically and mentally