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Objective: To investigate the feasibility, safety and the clinical value of primary suture following 3-port laparoscopic common bile duct exploration (LCBDE). M
Peroneal tendon and retinacular pathology contributes to chronic lateral ankle instability. The “gold standard” surgical treatment for chronic lateral ankle i
广州市某住宅小区中有别墅45座,采用现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,总建筑面积52 650m2,外墙总面积73 125m2.
Objective: To identify prognostic factors in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT). Methods and Materi
Introduction: The Moufarrege total posterior pedicle breast reduction involves complete denudation of the breast offering free access to all breast quadrants. T
佛山世纪莲体育场位于佛山市顺德区,可容纳36 000名观众,建筑面积123 125m2,投资约6.5亿元人民币.在平面布局上采用外圈圆套椭圆对称的布置形式,主体建筑看台部分地上3层,地
Short Retraction Notice? The paper does not meet the standards of "World Journal of AIDS". This article has been retracted to straighten the academic record. In
在深切怀念我的两个不在眼前的母亲的同时,在我眼前那一些德国老师们,就越发显得亲切可爱了。  在德国老师中同我关系最密切的当然是我的Doktor-Vater(博士父亲)瓦尔德施米特教授。我同他初次会面的情景,我在上面已经讲了一点。他给我的第一个印象是,他非常年轻。他的年龄确实不算太大,同我见面时,大概还不到四十岁吧。他穿一身厚厚的西装,面孔是孩子似的面孔。我个人认为,他待人还是彬彬有礼的。德国教授多
Background: Marginal ulceration (MU) is a recognized complication of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery. While several possible risk factors have been repo