自治区政府机关事务管理局:管好用活干部 提高组织工作满意度

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自治区政府机关事务管理局是承担自治区人民政府直属机关后勤服务保障工作的部门,近年来,随着后勤服务社会化程度不断提高,机关服务工作职能不断弱化,干部成长渠道单一,在较长时间内培养输送领导干部很少,处级领导干部提拔任用也不多,不少同志在一个岗位上一干就是十几年,极大影响了干部的积极性。去年以来,局党组针对上述问题以及民主评议反映出来的问题和不足,从选拔任用和岗位交流入手,拓宽人才流动渠道,激发干部职工积极性,不断提升选人用人的公信度。 In recent years, as the socialization of logistic service continues to improve, the functions and functions of government agencies are constantly being weakened, and the channels for the growth of cadres are single. Within a relatively long period of time, the government agencies and administrative departments of autonomous regions, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, Few leading cadres in training and transportation are provided, and there are not many promotion and appointment appointments of departmental-level leading cadres. Many comrades do more than a dozen jobs in one post, greatly affecting their enthusiasm. Since last year, in response to the above problems, as well as the problems and deficiencies reflected in the democratic appraisal, the Bureau and Party Group started with the selection and appointment and job exchange, broadened the channels for the flow of qualified personnel, stimulated the enthusiasm of cadres and workers, and continuously improved the credibility of the selection and employment.
摘要:德育一直是各个社会所共有的教育现象,它具有社会性,贯穿人类社会发展的始终。在教育改革中,德育的发展与完善对教育界具有十分重要的影响和意义。本文从中学生德治教育出发,分析了中学班主任在德育过程中存在的问题,并针对这些问题论述了相关的德治意见。  关键词:德育工作;中学教育;班主任  教育随着国家形式的发展而不断进行着改革和发展,德育已经成为教育奉行的主要教育方式,已經被越来越多的学校和教师所重
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