The SCO Advocates Solving the Afghanistan Issue via Regional Cooperation

来源 :Agenda for Regional Cooperation | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mnwang2008
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The SCO has been closely following developments in Afghanistan and has attached great importance to the affect of the civil war in the country on the region.War and drugs in Afghanistan are directly linked to the spread of the "three forces" in Central Asia and to cross-border crime.The SCO's position on the Afghan issue is as follows:It respects the will of the Afghan people to set up a government that accords with the people's own interests;it supports the Afghan government in realizing economic development with the help of the international community and preserving peace and stability in the country;it stresses the importance of maintaining the leading role of the United Nations in coordinating international assistance to Afghanistan;and it expresses its commitment to enhance cooperation with the Afghan government on combating terrorism,illicit drugs trafficking and organized crime.
患者女 ,15岁。 2 0 0 2年 9月初刺激性干咳 ,伴有胸痛 ,MRI检查发现“左前纵隔占位病变” ,行 (2 0× 15× 15 )cm3 肿块切除术 ,术后病理为“T淋巴母细胞淋巴瘤”。术后第
The war in Afghanistan has been a heavy burden to the United States.Over the past 10 years,the U.S.has spent nearly US$400 billion in Afghanistan,that's an aver
【摘要】本文揭示了现行社会日常生活中出现的高利贷种种劣迹和危害性,从中获得了对高利贷的一些认识,并提出根治措施及建设性建议,目的是起到警示和谏言的作用,能够引起全社会的注意和重视,维护和捍卫和谐稳定的社会、政治、经济、生活、工作、学习环境是我们每位公民应尽的义务。  【关键词】高利贷 民间借贷 合法性 社会 和谐稳定  一、前言  一提及高利贷就联想到上个世纪七十年代家喻户晓、红遍全国的革命歌剧《
【摘要】建设工程造价,是指花费在某项工程建设中的全部费用,它包含该建设项目有计划地进行固定资产再生产和形成相应的无形资产和铺底流动资金的一次性费用总和,是建筑工程价值的货币表现。施工企业要将工程造价管理工作贯穿于施工企业生产经营的全过程,通过择优选择项目、合理签订施工合同、加强施工过程工程造价有效控制等手段,达到项目经济效益最大化。  【关键词】工程企业;造价管理;施工合同    工程造价管理是施
Afghanistan has become synonymous with the spread of fundamentalism (the Taliban),terrorism (al-Qaeda) and rampant opium production.It is rare to hear about any