
来源 :语数外学习(初中版七年级) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:junr
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1.At the centre of the river,there was a mound.A peach tree grew there in which there were many peaches.The fox and the monkey wanted to eat peaches,but they couldn’t cross the river.在河中央有一个土堆,土堆上长着一棵桃树,树上结满了桃子,狐狸和猴子都想吃桃子,可是过不了河。 1.At the centre of the river,the was was a mound.A peach tree grew there in which there were many peaches.The fox and the monkey wanted to eat peaches,but they couldn’t cross the river. On the mound, there was a peach tree on the mound. The tree was full of peaches. Foxes and monkeys wanted to eat peaches, but they couldn’t cross the river.
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有人说,性格决定命运;也有人说,知识改变命运;还有人说,智慧影响命运;这里“两个打工仔”说,观念关乎命运—— Some people say that personality determines fate; others
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凯瑟和鲍莉是好朋友,但是他们喜欢开玩笑。一天凯瑟在街上遇见了鲍莉。她说:“嗨,鲍莉。很高兴见到你。”鲍莉问:“我不在这里,你怎么看见我的啊?” Cather and Polly are g
get on get off get intoget out of   ridebicycle/motorbike  drive train/taxi/bus/car take off land
小雪,没有飘雪。  大雪,没有飘雪。  冬至,还是没有飘雪。  风,随着意思吹。吹起了黄河千层浪。  居在金城的人,都期待着一场雪,银装素裹,洗尽铅华。  冬雪罕至,有的只是零零星星的,還没落地就已融化了,轻描淡写,虚无缥缈。偶尔看到山巅上的雾凇,抑或在寒冷的山间瞥见雪凌花,欢喜的不得了。瞬间,仿佛觉得眉毛上凝成霜,冷透心,都想期待一场开打的雪仗。  没雪的日子,蛰居的人们只好逐着一场梦,来到滑雪
钱,顾名思义就是用来买东西,支付各种费用的,但同学们知道怎么用英文表示“花费”吗?这里的费用可不尽相同,所以不能一概而论,并非只要是费用就都用expense来表示。其实expense主要是“花费”“开支”之意,如current expenses“日常开支”,selling expenses“销售费用”,travelling expenses“旅费”等等。在现实生活中,不同的“费用”有不同的表达方法