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广州部队办的《战士报》和其他兄弟部队的报紙一样,是一张面向連队,以士兵为对象的通俗小报。这张报紙創刊十多年来一直遵循着毛主席指示的为兵服务的方針,不断地学习革命战爭年代部队报紙的光榮传統,学习各兄弟报紙的先进经验,力求使自己成为一个为士兵喜聞乐見的报紙。自然,在报紙的全部工作中还有許多缺点,这需要在今后的实践中加以克服。在这里,我們想談一点为士兵服务的粗浅体会。一向士兵宣传毛澤东思想,宣传党的方針、政策是报紙的首要任务。每当一个政治思想教育运动开始的 The War Soldier Office of the Guangzhou Army, like other brothers’ newspapers, is a popular tabloid for the company and soldier. This newspaper, which has been following the guideline of serving Chairman Mao’s instructions for soldiers for more than a decade, constantly studied the glorious tradition of the newspaper in the revolutionary war era, learned the advanced experience of various fraternal newspapers and tried to make himself a Newspapers loved by soldiers. Naturally, there are still many shortcomings in the overall work of the newspaper, which need to be overcome in future practice. Here, we would like to talk about the superficial experience of serving soldiers. It has always been the newspaper’s priority for soldiers to propagate Mao Zedong’s thinking and publicize the party’s principle. Whenever a political and ideological education campaign begins
本试验以北京地区中熟品种久保、京玉,晚熟品种绿化 9 号和冈山白四种桃果实为试验材料,利用高效液相色谱(HPLC)及比色分析研究了不同提取剂所提取各种桃果实中酚类物质的主