
来源 :影像视觉 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:virusniper
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《影像视觉》前实习编辑刘张铂泷本科毕业后进入纽约视觉艺术学院,在这所“纽约有超过一半的艺术家和设计师都是从这里毕业的,,艺术名校读摄影,他和我们分享了自己的感受。Q你是从什么时候开始接触摄影的?什么时候,为什么想到要学摄影?A高一寒假去广州,亲戚送了一台索尼卡片机,然后开始拍照片。我的大学第一志愿选的是建筑系,结果没有考上就去了材料系,基本上学的是物理和化学,我又很不喜欢,一直有转系的想法。原来考虑毕业先申请材料专业出国,再找机会转去自己喜欢的专业。后来觉得既然不喜欢材料,还不如直接去学自己 ”Vision Visual“ Former Intern Editor Liu Chang-platinum After graduating Takaki Takahiro entered the New York Institute of Visual Art where ”more than half of New York City artists and designers are graduating from this art school reading photography, he and we Share your feelings Q When did you come into contact with photography? When did you think of studying photography? A high school holiday to Guangzhou, relatives sent a Sony card machine, and then began to take pictures of my university The first choice is the Department of Architecture Volunteers, the results did not go to the Department of Materials Department, basically learning physics and chemistry, I very much do not like, has been the idea of ​​a transfer system. Originally consider the graduation application materials professional abroad, and then Find opportunities to go to your favorite professional. Later, I feel that since I do not like materials, might as well go directly to learn their own
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