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<正> 二则小实例 其一,我们曾考察过某大型公司。该公司发展迅速,生产规模扩张很快,但是市场开发速度却跟不上生产规模的扩张速度。原因是企业根本没有营销理念,不知道做市场就是做客户关系,做流通就是做产品的新鲜度,做渠道就是为客户提供有效的解决方案。所以,
Isotope hydrogeological study has shown that the water supply exploration area in the Lu’ an coal mine may be divided into four zones of hydrodynamic condition
Based on the study of folds and related conjugate shear joints, the tectonic stress fields of the Urumqi-Usu region to the north of the North Tianshan Mountains
<正>中国企业如何应对入世后的外资冲击 参加世界贸易组织中国工作组第13次会议的中国首席谈判代表龙永图说,中国与世贸组织各成员在这次会议上向最终全面结束谈判的目标迈
This study deals with the first application of the isotope dilution - inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in the rhenium-osmium geochronometry in China
<正> 后勤服务工作普遍被看作是一个单位的“家务事”,不愿由“外人”插手,这样就造成了资源配置上的极大失利。市场经济要求由市场调节资源配置趋向合理有利,那么在社会主义
In the Yanliao area, the occurrence of the Nestoria-Keratestheria fauna and the Eoparacypris- Luanpingella-Darwinula assemblage in the Dabeigou Formation s.s.,
According to the alternation of terrestrial beds and transgressive beds, the sedimentary sequence of the South Yellow Sea since the Olduvai subchron can be divi
To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the publication of Acta Geologica Sinica, all the papers carried in the. Acta from 1982 Vol. 56, No. 3 to 1992 Vol. 66 No.