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我年过花甲,最近总感到腰部酸痛、精神不振、头晕乏力。朋友说我是肾虚,要补肾。请问,我是否得了肾脏病?这两者有什么不同?辽宁李志坚李志坚读者:肾虚是中医学名词,又称肾亏,指的是肾气亏损或肾脏精气不足。肾虚多为长期积累所致,现代人较常见。可由禀赋不足或肾精耗损太过引起。由于肾精有滋养五脏的作用,故肾脏的精气亏损,不仅表现为肾脏的病变,同时也影响其他脏器的病理变化。中医辨证施治认为:肾虚有肾阴虚,肾阳 I spent a year, recently felt the waist pain, lack of energy, dizziness and fatigue. My friend said I was kidney, kidney. Excuse me, I have a kidney disease? What is the difference between the two? Liaoning Li Zhijian Li Zhijian readers: kidney is a Chinese medicine term, also known as kidney deficiency, refers to the kidney deficiency or lack of essence of the kidney. Kidney deficiency caused by long-term accumulation, more common in modern times. Can be caused by lack of endowment or kidney damage caused too much. Because of kidney nourishing the role of the five internal organs, so the essence of the kidney loss, not only for the performance of renal lesions, but also affect the pathological changes of other organs. Syndrome Differentiation of TCM: Kidney deficiency have kidney yin deficiency, kidney yang
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