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我无比失落、无比伤感、无比难过地走在干枯的河床上,好像踩在一条干瘪的蛇尸上。当地人说,河床已经被开发商买下了,要盖楼。也就是说,晚几年来,连大沙河的尸首都找不到了。25年前,因为一桩化肥厂职工投诉案,我到河北阜平县采访。那桩案子有点乱,我连续去了3趟,采访了包括县委书记县长在内一批县领导,还有一批企业职工,因此在阜平待的时间不算短。当时的阜平县城,朝闻鸡啼,夕见炊烟,街上走的人都挎着粪箕子。采访的同时,我知道了这个深陷在太行山里的小县城一段红色历史。这里曾是中国北方第一个县级中华苏维埃政权诞生地,也是第一个共产党抗日根据地——晋察冀边区所在地。1948年春,毛泽东、周恩 I am extremely lost, very sad, extremely sad walking in the dry river bed, as if walking on a shriveled snake body. Locals say the river bed has been bought by developers to cover the building. In other words, in the later years, even the corpse capital of Dasha could not be found. Twenty-five years ago, I interviewed Fuping County, Hebei Province, for a complaint from a worker at a fertilizer plant. That case a bit chaotic, I went to 3 times in a row, interviewed a county leader, including a county magistrate, a group of county leaders, there are a number of enterprise workers, so the time spent in Fu Ping is not short. At that time Fuping County, North Korea smell chicken, sunset see the smoke, the people walking in the street are leaving the dung Jizi. At the same time of the interview, I knew the red history of a small county town deep in the Taihang Mountains. Here was the birthplace of the first county-level Chinese Soviet government in northern China and the seat of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border region, the first anti-Japanese Communist base. The spring of 1948, Mao Zedong, Zhou En
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