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春秋战国时期的和谐社会观主要体现在社会控制和社会心理调节两个层面。在社会控制层面,人们通过控制物质消费的过度行为,以实现人与自然和谐;通过协调外交关系中的交往行为,以实现国际社会的和谐;通过约束群体与个体间的交往行为,以实现社会阶层的和谐以及人际交往的和谐;通过注重社会公平、关注弱势群体、减弱贫富分化、推行荒政制度、调节社会供给,实现社会和谐稳定。在社会心理调节层面,通过精神控制的方式加强社会成员对社会规范的遵从,强化神人和谐意识和个体身心修养和谐意识,并由此予以扩展,从而实现社会的和谐稳定。 The concept of harmonious society in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period is mainly reflected in the two aspects of social control and social psychological adjustment. In the aspect of social control, people realize the harmony between man and nature by controlling excessive acts of material consumption, and achieve the harmony of the international community by coordinating the communicative activities in diplomatic relations. By restraining the interaction between groups and individuals to realize social Class harmony and interpersonal harmony. By focusing on social justice, paying attention to the vulnerable groups, weakening the polarization between the rich and the poor, implementing the famine relief system, regulating social supply and achieving social harmony and stability. In the aspect of social psychological adjustment, the members of the society should strengthen their compliance with social norms through spiritual control, strengthen the sense of harmony between God and man and the sense of harmony and harmony between individual body and mind, so as to expand the society so as to achieve social harmony and stability.
2000年8月,上海  谢冕教授无疑是当今中国最有声望的诗学权威。八十年代初一声“崛起”奠定其地位。九十年代后期以来,他一直在为总结二十世纪新诗得失而殚精竭虑。  最先
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