A PMD-supported 100-Gb/s optical frequency-domain IM-DD transmission system

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qg101213
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A novel method for distortion-free optical pulse transmission is theoretically proposed and simulated,in which two time lenses formed by dispersion fibers and quadratic phase modulations are utilized.One is used as an optical inverse Fourier transformation (OIFT) device to transform the initial time-domain data to frequency-domain one at the transmitter and the other as an optical Fourier transformation (OFT) device to recover the data at the receiver.By using the unchanged spectral envelope in linear optical fiber communication,the initial data can be recovered.Through simulations,a 10×100 Gb/s intensitymodulated direct-detection (IM-DD) dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) system over 2000km transmission without the compensation for polarization mode dispersion (PMD) and dispersion slope is achieved,which can be used to upgrade the current 10-Gb/s IM-DD system to a 100-Gb/s one directly. A novel method for distortion-free optical pulse transmission is theoretically proposed and simulated, in which two time lenses formed by dispersion fibers and quadratic phase modulations are utilized. One is used as an optical inverse Fourier transformation (OIFT) device to transform the initial time -domain data to frequency-domain one at the transmitter and the other as an optical Fourier transformation (OFT) device to recover the data at the receiver. By using the unchanged spectral envelope in linear optical fiber communication, the initial data can be recovered. Through simulations, a 10 × 100 Gb / s intensitymodulated direct-detection (IM-DD) dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) system over 2000km transmission without the compensation for polarization mode dispersion (PMD) and dispersion slope is achieved, which can be used to upgrade the current 10-Gb / s IM-DD system to a 100-Gb / s one directly.
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