集邮者静安,集邮家大乐。新疆维吾尔自治区集邮家、国际邮展获奖者、现已70高龄的任渺老人在他的“集邮漫谈”中这样写道:“啊,邮票,您是世界的缩影,社会的画卷, 地理的拷贝,历史的见证……”这炽热深情的文字,抒发出昂奋激越的心声。任老以集邮完善自我。少年时代的任渺,“近水楼台”,由于父亲担任县邮政局长,他在学生时代就接触到了多棱
Philatelicists Jing’an, Philatelist Great Music. Philatelists in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and international postal show winners, the 70-year-old Ren Miao, wrote in his “Philatelic Talk”: “Ah, stamps, you are a microcosm of the world, a picture of society, a copy of geography, Historical testimony ... ... ”This hot and affectionate text, express an excite excited voice. Any old philatement to improve themselves. Ren Miao in his youth, “near the water tower”, because his father served as county postmaster, he came into contact with the polygamy students