约翰尼斯·开普勒(Johannes Kepler,1571-1630),是德国杰出的天文学家、物理学家、数学家,毕生致力于行星轨道的研究,是近代天文学的奠基者。在担任数学教师期间,他利用闲暇研究哥白尼天文学说,并思考以下两个问题:1.为何只有6颗行星(当时尚未发现天王星),而不是更多颗?2.行星轨道为何大小不同?开普勒把上帝视为几何学家,行星的排列必然符合几何规律。他在正多面体中找到了问题的答案。1597年,开普勒发表了《神秘的
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), an outstanding German astronomer, physicist and mathematician who devoted his life to the study of the orbit of the planet, was the founder of modern astronomy. During his tenure as a math teacher, he spent his spare time studying Copernican astronomy and asked two questions: 1. Why only six planets (Uranus were not discovered at the time), not more? 2. Why planetary orbits differ in size Kepler regarded God as a geometrist, the arrangement of planets must conform to the laws of geometry. He found the answer to the question in Positive Polygons. In 1597, Kepler published "mysterious