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杨梢叶甲(Parnops glasunowi jacobs)属鞘翅目、叶甲科,是白城地区农田防护林和用材林主要叶部害虫之一。各县均有分布,每年发生面积30,000ha左右,其中危害严重的有60,00ha左右。据在通榆县新兴林场调查,危害严重的地块越冬幼虫每平方米最高177头,平均49.6头。到7月5日树冠上部的叶和嫩稍几乎被食光。据乾安县第一林场调查,10年生9m高的美×青杨平均每株有成虫214头,最多283头。严重地影响了林木的正常生长和发育。为了摸清该虫的生物学特性和发生规律,找出防治方法,从1985年开始进行观察,现将初步结果分述如下。 Parnops glasunowi jacobs belong to Coleoptera and Acrididae, and are one of the main leaf pests of farmland shelterbelts and timber forests in Baicheng area. Each county has its own distribution with an annual area of ​​about 30,000ha, of which about 60,00ha are seriously endangered. According to the survey in Xinxing Forest Farm in Tongyu County, the number of overwintering larvae in the severely damaged land is the highest at 177 heads per square meter with an average of 49.6 heads. By July 5, the upper leaves of the canopy and tender were almost eaten lightly. According to the investigation of the first forest farm in Qian’an, there are 214 adults and up to 283 adults per plant in the 10-year-old 9-year-old United States × Green Young. Seriously affected the normal growth and development of trees. In order to find out the biological characteristics of the insect and the occurrence of law, to find out the prevention and treatment methods, starting from 1985 to observe the preliminary results are as follows.
本文报道美国利用有益霉菌去抗御病原物的现状,并列举了一些成功的实例。 This article reports on the current situation in the United States of using beneficial fung
小螺纹衰蛾(学名:Clania SP)为杂食性害虫,但它对茶树的为害在山东尚未见报导。国内也只有安徽、江西、湖南、贵州等地有分布,且对其发生规律没有较详细的报导。作者于1986
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Goal 是由美国 Rohm & Haas公司开发的一个芽前、芽后使用的除草剂,通用名为:oxyfluorfen。自1972年来,以代号 RH-2915在美国和世界各地进行广泛的试验。1979年5月,在美国环