近十多年来。我国学术界在心理学研究领域取得了较大的进展,许多研究成果已成功地应用于许多学科领域的研究上。本人认为可以将心理学引入档案学理论研究范围,建立一门档案工作心理学,以指导档案工作实践,推动档案工作的发展。 一、建立档案工作心理学的必要性 1.是调动档案工作人员的积极性,提高档案工作效率的需要 长期以来,我国档案工作只注重对作为档案工作客体的档案的管理,而忽视了对作为档案工作主体的档案工作人员的管理;档案学研究也只重视对档案管理方法和手段的研究,而忽视了对档案工作
In the past ten years. China’s academic community has made great progress in the field of psychology research and many research achievements have been successfully applied in many fields of research. In my opinion, we can introduce psychology into the study of archival theory and establish a psychology of archival work to guide the practice of archival work and promote the development of archival work. First, the need to establish the psychology of archival work 1. Is to mobilize the enthusiasm of archivists and improve the efficiency of archival work For a long time, archival work in our country only focused on the management of the archives as the object of archival work, while ignoring the need to file as a file The main body of the file staff management; archival studies also focus only on the file management methods and means of research, while ignoring the file work