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1.引言翻译与目标语语言发展研究是当前语料库翻译研究的新话题。语言通过翻译进行接触是语言接触中亟待研究的领域。过去几十年间,关于两种语言通过翻译方式相互接触的研究寥寥,未引起足够关注。随着语料库语言学与描写翻译研究的有效结合,翻译文本与原创文本比较的语料库实证研究正在兴起,使书面语言接触的考察成为了可能。《多语种语篇产出:历时和共时的视角》一书在该领域首开端绪,是目前第一部尝试对翻译与语言发展关系进行系统研究的力 1. Introduction Translation and the development of target language is a new topic in corpus translation studies. Language Contact through translation is an area that needs to be studied urgently in language contact. In the past few decades, few studies on the mutual contact of the two languages ​​by means of translation have drawn insufficient attention. With the effective combination of corpus linguistics and descriptive translation research, corpus empirical research on translational texts and original texts is emerging, making it possible to investigate written language contacts. The book “Multilingual Discourse Output: Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives” first opened the door in this field and is the first attempt to systematically study the relationship between translation and language development
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