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江泽民总书记在今年年初检查、指导广东工作期间发表了重要讲话。他特别强调指出,在发展较快地区的干部群众中要开展”致富思源.富而思进”的教育活动,这对广东具有十分重要的意义。改革开放20年来,广东的经济持续发展,取得了巨大的成就,这是全省广大干部群众共同努力的结果。但我们不能忽视的最重要的一条,就是改革开放的路线和党的正确领导是广大人民群众致富的重要原因,如果没有这一条,广东的条件再好,人民再努力,也没有办法取得今天这样的局面。但是,勿容置疑,致富之后的广东也存在着一些问题,诸如某些人理想信念失落、黄赌毒蔓延.假冒伪劣屡禁不止,小富则安、不思进取的现象依然存在。因此,开展“致富思源、富而思进”教育活动,对广东来说,非常必要,也十分迫切。通过这一活动,在广大干部群众中有效地开展理想信念教育,增强其大局意识和全局意识,把广大干部群众的智慧最大限度地发挥出来,为广东增创发展新优势,率先基本实现现代化而努力奋斗。为了让广大干部群众更好地认识并自觉地投入“两思”教育活动,本刊在这一期组织编发了一组文章,希望能引起广大读者的关注并欢迎大家踊跃投稿,参与讨论。 General Secretary Jiang Zemin delivered an important speech during the inspection and guidance to Guangdong at the beginning of this year. He emphasized in particular that it is of great significance to Guangdong to carry out educational activities of “enriching the source, enriching and thinking forward” in the cadres and masses in the rapidly developing regions. Since the reform and opening up, the sustained economic development in Guangdong has made tremendous achievements. This is the result of the concerted efforts of the cadres and masses across the province. However, the most important one that we can not ignore is that the reform and opening-up policy and the correct leadership of the party are the important reasons for the masses of people to get rich. Without such a condition, Guangdong will not be able to make any better efforts and the people will work harder to achieve the goal of today. The situation. However, there is no doubt that there are some problems in Guangdong after the affluence, such as the loss of some people’s ideal and belief and the spread of pornography and gambling. Repeatedly forged fake and shoddy, small prosperous and peaceful, unscrupulous phenomenon still exists. Therefore, it is very necessary and very urgent for Guangdong to carry out the educational activities of “enriching the source, enriching and thinking of progress.” Through this activity, we have been carrying out ideological and faith education among all cadres and masses, enhancing their awareness of the overall situation and overall interests, maximizing the wisdom of the vast numbers of cadres and the masses, creating new advantages for development in Guangdong, and taking the lead in basically realizing modernization Work hard. In order to enable the cadres and masses to better understand and consciously devote themselves to the “two thoughts” education activities, the magazine organized and compiled a series of articles in this issue, hoping to attract the readers’ attention and welcome everyone to actively contribute and participate in the discussion.