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[代序]当您手捧这期杂志的时候,距离德国世界杯6月9日的开幕大典也就进入了最后100天的倒计时。这不是一个纪念日,而是一盏信号灯,它标志着参赛32强围绕2006年世界杯的备战工作正式进入冲刺阶段,四年一次的耕耘期盼有可能因为这百日的“内涵”结出果实或前功尽弃,这100天,真的大有学问可做!阿根廷主帅佩克曼说:“我现在每天还可以熟睡5个多小时,到了3月下旬,我可能只有依靠安眠药了。”巴斯滕说:“我已经看完了90多场比赛对手的录像资料,现在到了回球场上总结的时候了。”齐达内的话更有意思,他说:“我又开始与进球交上运气了,我知道这是世界杯临近的消息。”全世界,任何人都深切地察觉到世界杯正在向我们走来:100天、2400个小时、分钟——请您开始倒计时。限于篇幅,本刊仅集中对人气指数最高的10支球队的备战情况进行全方位播报与分析,在这些球队近百日的备战中,我们不难窥见2006年世界杯的主流风向,这百天的一切都与世界杯的精彩息息相关,请您密切关注。 [Preorder] When you hold this issue of magazines, the opening ceremony of the World Cup in Germany on June 9 also entered the countdown to the last 100 days. This is not a memorial day, but a signal light, which marks the entry into force of the 32 World Cup preparations for the 2006 World Cup formally entered the sprint stage, four years of hard work is expected because of this one hundred days Out of the fruits or come to naught, this 100 days, really a lot of learning! Argentinian coach Peckman said: “I can still sleep more than 5 hours a day, in late March, I may only rely on sleeping pills.” Basten said: “I’ve watched more than 90 game opponents video now back to court summary.” “Zidane more interesting, he said:” I started to enter I know this is a message of approaching the World Cup. “” Everyone in the world is deeply aware that the World Cup is coming to us: 100 days, 2400 hours, minutes - please start counting down. Due to space limitations, the journal focuses only on the highest popularity of the 10 teams preparing for the full coverage and analysis of these teams in the preparations for nearly a hundred days, we can not glimpse the mainstream of the 2006 World Cup, the hundred Everything is related to the wonderful World Cup, please pay close attention.
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