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在商品经济中个体农户、个体手工业者的自产自销,前店后厂可以说是“一体化”的原始形态。随着商品经济的发展,商品生产社会化程度逐渐强化,市场发育成熟,这种原始形态被分化,淘汰而出现生产的专业化,销售的专门化。但在这发展中出现新的更高一级的“一体化”组合也是经常发生的,但它一般发生在大资本经营中。改革开放以来,有一类经济实体如雨后春笋般的出现,它就是“产供销”一体化的农工商,林工商,或什工贸实体等等。它的形成有老企业以联营形式进入流通领域或新辟市场;有新企业一成立即以一体化为目的;有各方联合而成;也有行政主管“下文”而成;有以原材料生产企业为主体进一步加工产供销一体化;有以某产品生产企业为主体把原料生产采购及产品销售纳入一体而形成,……总之它的形成是多种多样的。对它的作用亦各有所说,赞之者日其“新实体”,毁之者曰其“市场乱源”。应该如何来看待这类实体呢? In the commodity economy, individual farmers and individual handicraftsmen produce and sell their own products. The former shop and the back shop can be said to be the original form of “integration.” With the development of the commodity economy, the degree of socialization of commodity production has been gradually strengthened and the market has matured. This primitive form has been differentiated and eliminated, with the specialization of production and the specialization of sales. But it is also common for new “higher level” “integration” combinations to emerge in this development, but it generally occurs in the operation of big capital. Since the reform and opening up, a class of economic entities have mushroomed. They are the agribusiness, forestry and commerce, or even trade and industry entities that integrate the production, supply and marketing. The formation of its old business in the form of a joint venture to enter the circulation or the development of new markets; as soon as the establishment of a new business for the purpose of integration; a combination of all parties; also has the executive “below”; with raw materials manufacturing enterprises As the main body to further the production, supply and marketing integration; there is a product manufacturing enterprises as the main raw material production and procurement and product sales into one and form ... ... In short, its formation is varied. Its role is also said and praised by its “new entity” and the ruined by the “market chaos source.” How to treat such entities?