古谱中的妙手——处处争先 不落俗套

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清风雅士 周嫩予 白:周嫩予 黑:盛大有 周嫩予,字览予,浙江嘉兴人。周嫩予自幼受家庭熏陶学会围棋,至十四五岁时,便达到了相当高的水平,纵横乡里。后周嫩予有机会与过百龄对弈,双方共弈十局,这就是著名的“过周十局”。从内容上看,嫩予占有优势。从此以后,周嫩予在棋坛领先成定局。周嫩予行棋变化多端,轻巧玲珑,处处争先,不落俗套。另外,周嫩予还发展创新了许多定式,最著名的是“应双飞燕两压”。对局之余,周嫩予还著有《围棋谱》一卷。 Breeze Aspen week to white: Zhounen to black: a large week to give, word to, Jiaxing, Zhejiang. Weeks nurtured by the home to learn from the young Go, to 14-year-old, they reached a very high level, vertical and horizontal village. After a week to give a chance to play against Bailing, the two sides a total of ten games, this is the famous “over ten weeks.” From the content point of view, tender to possession advantage. Since then, Zhou Neng to lead the foregone conclusion in the board. Week to change the chess variety, light and exquisite, always prevail, unconventional. In addition, Zhou Neng to the development and innovation of many styles, the most famous is “Shuangfeiyan two pressure.” In addition to the game, Zhou Neng also wrote a book titled “Go Ching Pu”.
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