When the order of society is undermined and the sovereignty of the country is threatened, in these emergencies state should the emergency power of the administrative organ still be governed by the law or should it have administrative privileges that transcend the law? Normative doctrine based on Kant’s philosophy To rigidly regard the norms of law as absolute, unspecified and paramount, such an inflexible approach often lacks constructivism in dealing with the realities of the nation in emergencies. On the other hand, though Schmitter’s criticism of normative doctrine has some truth, his view has welded norms and realities with serious absolutist tendencies. Against this background, many Western scholars adopt a philosophical view of “moderateness”: they found the flexibility of the state in crisis in Locke’s privilege theory, and at the same time protected the rule of law in Locke’s legal theory. Status of the priority. Locke’s theory contains both the elements of normative elements and at the same time allows the executive power in an emergency to expand under the violation of the law. It seems that both sides are pleasing to the United States. In fact, there are internal logic inconsistencies and normative instabilities. All in all, none of these three perspectives can provide a satisfactory theoretical system for the rule of law and administrative privileges in emergencies.